Certificates & Creditsystem

Self Motivated Executive Bible Teacher (SEBT)

This rank is attained by individuals who demonstrate excellence in sheperding young teenagers and students as a personal shepherd. They commit to intensive and one-to-one Bible study, according to God’s calling, while maintaining accurate handling of biblical truths.


Individuals achieving this rank function as coaches, coworking with individuals or groups to equip them for Bible study, testimony sharing, and message writing. They work together to develop their sheep‘s spiritual insight, skills, and leadership potential and focus on educating the next generation as Self-motivated Executive Bible Teachers (SEBT), Messenger Trainers, Disciple Makers, and Coaches.


This rank is held by those who operate at a nationwide level. They train coaches to develop their skills and possibilities to become effective spiritual trainers, dedicated to making disciples in accordance with Jesus' command. Their commitment extends to raising Self-motivated Executive Bible Teachers (SEBT), Messenger Trainers, Disciple Makers, and Trainers within the next generation.


Individuals at this rank serve as facilitators operating at an international level. They equip trainers to excel as spiritual facilitators, following Jesus' command to make global spiritual leaders. They focus on nurturing the next generation as Self-motivated Executive Bible Teachers (SEBT), Messenger Trainers, Disciple Makers, and Facilitators.


This rank is embodied by mentors who design GLEF programs with practical strategies. Their selfless commitment to the Global Leadership Empowerment Forums and their tireless support in mobilizing young people is highly regarded. They are committed to developing GLEF programs with implementable plans and leading the mobilisation of the next generation, while remaining true to their purpose and correctly interpreting biblical truths.