Global Leadership Empowerment Forum

"Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites.”

(Exodus 19:5.6)

Roles, Methods and Goals

We are living in a time when many young individuals have lost their connection to God and are hardly searching for meaning and direction in their lives. Therefore, we are convinced of the urgency to mobilize young Christians and students to preach the gospel as Bible teachers, messengers, and disciple makers (2 Timothy 2:15) until the return of Christ, fulfilling Jesus' Great Commission.

How can we challenge these highminded individuals with the transformative power of the gospel and empower them to be built up as global spiritual leaders? We believe that GLEF is a precious and challenging instrument through which the Holy Stump Academy and the Vast Army Congress were founded, providing practical exercises and serving as a holy vessel for prayer. The goal of the GLEF movement is to decisively encourage and empower young people with great potential to become active multipliers of the living Word of God.

Leadership: With God’s vision in their hearts, young people begin to grow as spiritual leaders, influencing others spiritually, edifying them, and doing so authentically. We follow Jesus’ model of leadership, as taught in Mark 10:45: “ For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” This leadership is the path to living a blessed life and being a blessing, as Jesus calls us to be.

Global: We are a global mission movement with Jesus’ spiritual vision—to spread God’s word to the ends of the earth and make disciples of all nations (Mt 28:18-20). Because God’s heart and vision is for world, we are dedicated to planting God’s heart, scale and scope in the hearts of young spiritual leaders, believing that they may be history-makers and influential young Christian leaders in God’s salvation history.

The name "Global Leadership Empowerment Forum" describes its role, formation, method, and goals:

Empowerment: We are committed to raising up young Christian leaders who are motivated and capable to study the Bible for themselves and teach it to their peers. The most effective way to gain spiritual power, scale, and scope is, in our opinion, to "return to the Bible." Encouraging with humbleness of heart and eagerness of faith to return to the Bible is the role of GLEF. God’s living word has the power and authority to transform the inner person of man being and mobilize them to cooperate with the Holy Spirit.

Forum: A forum is a meeting platform for people to communicate, exchange ideas, encourage one another, and teach one another. GLEF is such a platform, where people learn from the Bible and from one another. It is a valuable platform where young people, parents, pastors and missionaries can exchange spiritual experiences and God’s wisdom. This GLEF forum became a precious instrument for fostering the spiritual growth of young spiritual leaders for global mission.

Several approaches are used to empower and provide young people and to achieve the goal of GLEF as self-motivated spiritual leaders:

Inductive Bible Study (IBS) Method: The Inductive Bible Study Method is a practical, application-oriented study of God's Word that helps young people to grow into mature Christians in faith and spiritual identity. This method emphasizes precise observation, careful interpretation, and practical application. Each year, young staff members present fact-based studies on important topics such as the five books of Moses, the prophets, the gospels or the letters of St. Paul. We also offer interactive workshops on the practical application of the inductive method of Bible study.

Special Programs: GLEF offers programs beyond Bible study from the Old and New Testaments, including lectures on the heritage of Christian faith, philosophy, theology, history, preaching, communication, and practical exercises for messenger trainers and disciple makers.

Group Bible Study: We conduct group Bible studies with questions focusing on observation, interpretation, and application, encouraging deep reflection on God's Word. Mixed groups enable young people to exchange the spiritual insights, experiences and wisdom with parents, missionaries, and pastors.

Fellowship: During GLEF, we share daily meals and fellowship to discuss and reinforce what we have learned and what we want to explore further. This daily spiritual fellowship deepens our understanding and accomplishes the powerful work of God’s word in our lives.

These approaches enable GLEF to extensively empower young people to serve professionally and authentically as Bible teachers and global spiritual leaders, experiencing God’s transformative power and collaboration.