Global Leadership Empowerment Forum

"Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites.”

(Exodus 19:5.6)

Mission, Vision and History

The Global Leadership Empowerment Forum is a long-term professional education program dedicated to helping young Christians and students around the globe grow as influential Christian leaders.

The risen Christ empowered his apostles with his great commission from Acts 1:8 and Matthew 28:18-20 to be influential witnesses from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth.

Over the past two thousand years, many remarkable women and men of faith have been so passionate that they were willing to sacrifice everything by faith to spread God’s powerful word and live as spiritual role models for the next generation. With this historical perspective, we are challenged and motivated to serve young people with great passion, mission, vision, and Jesus' great commission through Bible study. We may experience the authority of God’s word, especially the gospel of Jesus as the power of transformation, in a personal way and be empowered as global spiritual leaders.

The Global Leadership Empowerment Forum (GLEF) serves as an instrument to fulfill God’s great commission by empowering young leaders of the next generation as global spiritual leaders and role models for their peers, spreading the Gospel to all nations with Jesus' global vision at heart. It was born from the heartfelt vision of many gospel mission field workers, pastors of churches, and missionaries who have insight in spiritual crises and for the potential of the next generation. They understood the crucial necessity to equip and empower them with God’s word for leadership in spiritual matters and global missions. They recognized that the key lies in in-depth Bible study and spiritual training to develop powerful and authentic spiritual leaders by the power of the Holy Spirit.

They began praying, organizing, and mobilizing numerous servants of God to come together and prepare for this endeavor. People from all corners of the globe—North and South America, Europe, CIS, Asia, Africa, and Oceania—actively engaged in prayer and diligent Bible study to contribute to GLEF's formation. During the six iterations of the GLEF, which took place alternately in Europe and North America, we have studied the Old and New Testaments through fact-based Bible studies using the Inductive Bible Study method. Each GLEF session focused on a specific Bible book (Mark, Exodus, Nehemiah, Daniel, Hebrews and Revelation), addressing central themes such as leadership or discipleship, so that many young christians and students could hold onto God’s counsel and guidance in spiritually dark times and live a victorious life of faith as spiritual leaders and disciples of Jesus.

Reflecting on the history of GLEF in recent years, we have witnessed how powerfully God’s word has transformed the lives of young individuals through the Holy Spirit. They have been equipped beyond that as SEBTs (Self-Motivated Executive Bible Teachers), powerful messengers, and disciple makers from a young age. This inspires us with great confidence for GLEF programs, where participants will grow into global leaders for Jesus’ great commission. Through the faith-filled prayer of parents, pastors, missionaries, and their spiritual efforts in Bible study and leadership training, our Lord, Jesus Christ, will guide God’s redemptive history through young global spiritual leadership.