GLEF 2019
(Exodus 19:5.6)
"‘Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites.”
GLEF 2019 Invitation
Dear esteemed world mission coworkers in the Lord,
The 2019 European Summer Bible Conference will take place from August 8-11 in Willingen, a winter sport city located in central Germany. Marking the 50thanniversary of UBF world mission, this will be a historical conference. In light of this, UBF offers vision camps for the UBF next generation in Prague (Czech Republic) and in Bonn (Germany). The program offered in Bonn is called the GLE-Forum and will be held from July 29-August 7, 2019. The GLE-Forum is a long-term leadership development program, and follows last year’s inaugural Forum in Princeton, New Jersey. Young coworkers of the UBF next generation who have the spiritual desire to be used in UBF mission work and in the global Christian mission are eligible for the program. The goal of GLEF is to spiritually empower and develop them as Christian leaders with vision and professionalism. We want to cultivate them in Christian character and spiritual authority to be leaders influential in every sphere of their lives and of society.

At the 2018 Forum, the participants prepared factual studies and gave seminar presentations of about 20 books of the Bible. Through this, they were able to obtain a holistic biblical perspective of God’s salvation history. They also learned the Inductive Bible Study method which has been foundational for UBF, and put it into practice by independently making questionnaires directly from the text. By studying the gospel of Mark with the thematic foci of Jesus’ leadership and discipleship, they learned the secret of Jesus’ spiritual authority and thus learned the secret of life-transforming Bible Study. Furthermore, through lectures on UBF’s spiritual heritage, role, position, and mission in light of salvation history, the vision of UBF became concrete for them and they could renew their identity as UBF coworkers of the next generation. Twelve of those who successfully completed the program were certified as S.E.B.T’s (Self-motivated Executive Bible Teachers).
Keeping with GLEF 2018, our prayer topic this year is to raise Bible teachers with vision and professionalism. This year’s Forum will be of a higher level: building upon last year’s foundation, we aim to raise messenger trainers and disciple-makers. The participants will prepare and present factual studies and overviews on the Mosaic books and other books of the Bible, in order to help them find for themselves the treasures therein. In particular, through studying in Exodus and Numbers the process of God’s forty-year redemptive history with Israel, they will experience the milestones in the spiritual journey of a person of faith, and find deep meaning in each step for their life of faith.
We are confident that this will be a good opportunity for them to learn a Biblical perspective of the role of a shepherd through the example of Moses’ nation-building leadership, mature faith, and life. We pray that they can continually learn, through lectures by both first- and next generation members, the spiritual heritage of UBF, our spiritual position in history, and our role, mission and vision. Through this they can solidify the vision for UBF world campus mission and clarify their identity and grow as coworkers. We also want to learn spiritual insight and wisdom from “case studies” of the lives of missionary parents and faith predecessors and continue their spiritual legacy as messenger trainers and disciple makers. And we want to deeply learn the real, practical, and biblical life of God’s chosen people from Dr. Samuel Lee’s Genesis messages and from the laws and feast ordinations in the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy.
Ten days and nine nights are a short time to cover the entire GLEF 2019 program. Therefore, all materials will be prepared and pre-distributed to participants, so that each may prepare thoroughly and so that during the forum itself, the main points will be adequately dealt with and the time for spiritual fellowship can be maximized. All materials will be provided to the attendants in English. We pray whole-heartedly that participants can receive from the study of the Pentateuch the wisdom to live as God’s people, and in particular, the wisdom to lead Biblical lives as the next generation of UBF, and as messenger trainers and disciple-makers.
One week before the GLEF 2019 there will be a journey lasting several days following Martin Luther’s footsteps. This trail, for the occasion of the 500thanniversary of the Reformation, has been well restored. The costs (accommodation and food) for the GLEF 2019 and the Luther journey will be provided. The GLEF scholarship is funded by New Jersey UBF and many donors.
Each scholarship will be based on review by the UBF GLEF Committee. All interested and qualified applicants should send the completed form along with the recommendation of their UBF chapter director or parents to mail@gleforum.org.Anyone who wants to participate only in the Luther journey can send in the corresponding application to mail@gleforum.org. Attendance for the GLEF 2019 is capped at 50, and for the Luther journey, at 21. The earlier the application, the greater the chance of being awarded a funded spot.
More information about both GLEF 2019 and the Luther journey, questionnaires, current news and announcements, and all application forms can be found on our website at: http://www.gleforum.org.
We ask you for your prayer support in preparing ESBC 2019 according to the UBF spiritual direction for 2019, John 17:21. We ask you to pray for our next generation so that the vision of UBF mission can be made concrete for them and they may be used as key leaders in UBF ministry and in our Lord’s broader global mission work
Thank you,
The UBF GLEF Next Generation Empowerment Committee