GLEF 2020
Dear world mission coworkers in the Lord,
We would like to invite you to the Global Leadership Empowerment Forum (GLEF) 2020. GLEF is a leadership development program for young people who have spiritual desire for campus mission and global Christian mission. The goal of GLEF is to spiritually empower and develop global Christian leaders through cultivation of Christian character and spiritual integrity.
The first GLEF took place in New Jersey, USA in 2018. Participants prepared factual studies and gave seminar presentations on twenty books of the Bible. They learned the inductive Bible study method and put it into practice by independently making questionnaires. Furthermore, through lectures on UBF’s spiritual heritage and mission in the light of salvation history, participants could renew their Christian identity as leaders of the next generation. Twelve of those who successfully completed the program were certified as Self-Motivated Executive Bible Teachers (SEBT).
At the second forum in 2019 in Bonn, Germany, participants prepared and presented factual studies on the Mosaic books. In particular, through studying Exodus and Numbers, they could experience the spiritual journey milestones of a person of faith and obtain a Biblical perspective of the role of a shepherd through Moses’ leadership and mature faith. In addition, there were special programs for raising messenger trainers and disciple-makers which included sessions with senior missionaries who shared their experiences acquired through living in the mission field for over 30 years. Twenty participants successfully completed the program and were certified as SEBT.
Our prayer topic this year is to raise global leaders with a focus on leadership and self-management from August 3 to August 10, 2020 in Princeton, NJ USA. This will be a wonderful opportunity for all participants to learn the leadership of Nehemiah through six group studies and through lectures about discipleship, monitoring, coaching, and leadership. There will be special lectures on self-management including topics such as networking, time management, health management, finance management, and fundraising.
Eight days and seven nights is a short time to handle and digest all the contents of the program. Therefore, participants are asked to prepare the factual studies and Bible Studies in advance. Through this program, we pray that the next generation may grow to be global spiritual leaders.
Those who have spiritual desire for world campus mission and global Christian mission are eligible for the program. The total number of participants is limited to 60. There will be a registration fee but all other costs including accommodations and meals will be supported by the GLEF Scholarship Program offered through New Jersey UBF's Education Fund. Each scholarship will be awarded based on review by the UBF GLEF Committee. All interested and qualified applicants should send a completed application form along with a recommendation from their directors or parents to mail@gleforum.org. More information about GLEF 2020, questionnaires, current news and announcements, and all application forms can be found on our Website at http://GLEForum.org.
We would like to ask you to pray for our next generation to grow to be Bible teachers, disciple-makers, and global leaders through GLEF 2020. Thank you for your continued prayer and support.
Global Leadership Empowerment Forum Committee